Surgical Care

Katz & Dogs Surgical Care Facility


At Katz & Dogs Animal Hospital surgical procedures are performed in our state of the art surgical suite. We perform surgical neutering, ovariohysterectomy (a.k.a. spay), mass removals, cystotomys and other procedures in our sterile surgery suite. Laceration repairs, wound debridement, drainage of abscesses and other non-sterile procedures are performed in our dedicated treatment area.


Safe and Responsible Procedures

Every pet undergoing any anesthetic procedure is monitored by a graduate and credentialed veterinary technician who is dedicated to one pet at a time and who stays with him or her throughout the procedure. Prior to anesthesia each pet’s needs are assessed. This assessment includes evaluating previous and current medical conditions, behavioral conditions and past anesthetic experiences. While we only use the safest drugs, we make an individual plan for each patient that takes these needs into account and keeps them safe and comfortable.

All patients undergoing anesthesia are required to have blood work checked before hand to help us make the best anesthetic and analgesic choices. Your pet will receive a pre-anesthetic medication to help relax him or her. Your pet will have an intravenous catheter placed and receive intravenous fluids throughout their procedure. This catheter is also used to induce anesthesia. For most procedures, your pets are intubated and inhalant anesthesia is used. This allows for oxygen to be delivered to your pet and allows for better maintenance of anesthesia. We use circulating hot water heating pads to help your pet stay warm while under anesthesia. We address each patient’s pain control before, during and after surgery.

In addition to our well trained team’s attention, we use Cardell veterinary monitors to keep track of our patient’s heart rate, respiratory rate, blood pressure, temperature and oxygenation status. This assures each patient is well maintained under general anesthesia. Each patient gets extensive post operative care. During recovery your pet will have its temperature, pulse and respiration monitored regularly.

Cozy Recovery

Every patient recovers surrounded by blankets and towels in a warm, safe and dry environment. One technician is assigned to caring for your pet while they recover. They are walked and fed as soon as they are able. Our technician team will also call you so that you are regularly updated about your pet’s progress. Our goal is always to have pets go home as soon as they are able to do so, so that they can recover in the comfort of their own home.We are, however, able to keep your pet for the course of the day if that is more convenient for you.

Rest assured that when your pet is with us, they will be comfortable and well cared for.

When your pet goes home, we will spend time with you and give extensive instructions on how to keep the patient safe and comfortable so no complications occur.


Surgery FAQ’s

What do I need to know about scheduling a surgery?

Surgeries are performed on Mondays and Thursdays. When your pet is scheduled for a surgical procedure our team will ask you to refrain from feeding your pet after midnight the day before. There is no restriction to their water intake. We will also remind you about these fasting instructions when we call you to confirm your pet’s appointment. If your pet is on a daily medication, our team will instruct you whether or not to give it to your pet on the day of their surgery.

What time will I have to be there the day of my pet’s surgery?

You will need to bring your pet in at 8:30am. Our Care Coordinators will admit him/her into the hospital for the day. Our team will call you when your pet’s procedure is complete to update you on his/her progress. Please feel free to call at anytime if you have any questions or concerns or even if you  just want to check in on your baby!

What time can I pick my pet up?

 We are open from 9:00am to 7:00pm on our surgery days. Discharge times vary depending on the type of procedure and how quickly your pet recovers from his/ her anesthesia. Pets will recover at a different rate so it is sometimes difficult for us to predict what their exact discharge time will be. Our goal is to have them return home as quickly as possible. Although we do our very best to make them comfortable and always keep them safe, warm and as stress free as possible, as the saying goes, “there is no place like home!” If you have time concerns because of work or other commitments, rest assured your pet is welcome to spend the day with us and can be discharged close to our closing time. We do not hospitalize patients overnight.

How will I know what to do to care for him at home?

 You will be given detailed instructions on how to care for your pet when you bring them home. Our team will address any questions or concerns you may have regarding their discharge instructions.

In accordance with Betsy’s Law we wish to inform you:

This veterinary facility does NOT provide supervision for animals after normal business hours by a person physically on these premises.

Surgeries at Katz & Dogs Animal Hospital are performed on Mondays and Thursdays and patients are discharged the same day.

Why should I spay my FEMALE cat or dog?

Spaying, or ovariohysterectomizing, your cat or dog is important because it prevents certain mammary gland cancers. It also eliminates the chance of getting uterine and ovarian cancers and eliminates the possibility of pregnancy. Spaying will also prevent females from developing a life-threatening uterine infection called a “pyometra,” which if develops, requires immediate surgery for the patient. If left untreated it can be very serious and sometimes fatal. Dogs who are not spayed will come into heat twice yearly. Cats who are not spayed will come into heat and stay in heat/go in and out of heat until they are bred or spayed. On a societal level, spaying also helps reduce pet overpopulation. This surgery is best done at 6 months of age, but will still provide many health benefits if performed when your pet matures.

Why should I neuter my MALE cat or dog?

A cat who has not been neutered can develop a very strong ammonia like scent to their urine. Additionally, neutering a cat before social maturity (about 7 months) will greatly reduce (and in most cases eliminate) the chance of a pet spraying or urinating outside the litter box. Male dogs are more likely to develop testicular, prostate and peri-anal cancers if not neutered. Neutering in a timely manner may help with aggression in male dogs. Neutered cats and dogs are far less likely to roam away from home. This surgery is most beneficial if done at or before 6 months of age, but will still provide many health benefits if performed when your pet matures. Our team can help you decide the best option for your pet.